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Change the world

Why study at Nelson Mandela University George Campus?

Individual attention in a safe learning environment. Close links with industry that will provide you with hands-on practical skills. Excellent facilities. Modern lecture venues and a well-equipped campus library. Ample sport and cultural activities to participate in. The Campus is situated in a pristine natural environment at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountain range which not only lends itself to being a “natural laboratory” but offers students an escape from the hustle and bustle of city living.


Accomodation and other facilities   

Nelson Mandela University affordable, comfortable on-campus accommodation. For that “home away from home” feel, students who live on campus stay in either one of three traditional residences; in a newly-developed accommodation cluster, or in a number of small houses situated across the campus. On-campus accommodation is limited; therefore prospective students are encouraged to apply early. Students are also assisted with referrals to accredited off-campus accommodation providers as may be required. Residence Managers, assisted by a house committee of students, are responsible for the wellbeing of the residents. A fully-equipped library, six computer laboratories, one of which is accessible 24 hours a day, and a Student Counselling, Career and Development Centre are some of the facilities that assist students with the transition from high school to university.


Student Life      

With new gym facilities, swimming pool, rugby stadium; football and cricket fields, tennis and squash courts, mountain bike and hiking trails; and many other sport facilities all at the foot of the Outeniqua Mountains, Nelson Mandela University George Campus is a haven for any sport enthusiast.

Our students are fortunate to have pristine beaches nearby, offering them great surfing, diving, sailing, fishing and whale watching opportunities. On the cultural side, the George Campus houses a number of societies which students can join. They host a number of events annually which add to student life on campus.

Some of the highlights include various sport days and cultural competitions. The George Campus Choir is in high demand – both among students and the community.

The student recreation centre, with its magnificent view, serves as a convenient hub for students on campus.