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Change the world


“In the green economy, environmental risks are reduced, improved human well-being is achieved and natural resource scarcities are addressed by the alternative solutions that ameliorate our destructive and resource-intensive relationship with earth”.

This statement by Prof Quinton Johnson and the ensuing public lecture delivered by him at a breakfast event hosted by the NMMU Business School for the George business community on 5 September kept the local business community who attended the event spellbound.

Prof Johnson discussed the role NMMU is playing as a word catalyst for the green economy, citing some of the ground-breaking work done by NMMU in the sustainability arena. He, amongst others, referred to the university’s Sustainability Research Unit housed at NMMU (George Campus) and the Centre for Energy Research; the example the university is setting in terms of new infrastructure developments, which set an enviable standard in terms of sustainability, such as the soon to be unveiled Business School building in Port Elizabeth. This new building has been awarded a four Green Star rating by the Green Building Council of South Africa.

“These solutions will serve the communities in the Southern Cape in the not so distant future and further transcends continental borders. Leaders from the private and public sectors in the Southern Cape are also positioned and empowered to create a greener economy” he said.

The title of this thought-provoking lecture was: “Creating a Sustainable Future for the Southern Cape and World: NMMU and the Green Economic Development Discourse”.

NMMU Green Breakfast

Mr Leon Mouton, Director: NMMU Business school/Leadership Academy (from left), with Alderman Charles Standers, Executive Mayor of George, Prof Quinton Johnson, Mr Trevor Botha, Municipal Manager of George, Dr Willie Cilliers, President of the George Business Chamber and Ms Elsa Myburgh, Office Manager of the NMMU Business School in George.

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098