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Santie Botha, Chancellor of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU) will host her annual golf day on Thursday, 16 October in George this year at Kingswood Golf Estate in aid of the NMMU George Development Fund for deserving Madibaz Diamonds.

Santie BothaThe Development Fund which was started at the beginning of this year is a bursary fund for financially needy students of outstanding academic merit who have chosen to pursue their studies at NMMU George Campus.

Earlier in the year NMMU hosted a grand ball at the Hyatt Regency Oubaai; as well as a business breakfast with Springbok Rugby coach, Heyneke Meyer as the guest speaker to kick-start the bursary fund.

The golf day on Thursday, 16 October is a Betterball Stableford competition with an 11:00 shotgun start. The cost is R4000 per fourball which includes golf, use of a golf cart, halfway house, branding and a drink and light refreshments at the prize giving.

To book your spot to join NMMU’s Chancellor, Santie Botha at her golf day, please contact Sheree van Rooyen at telephone no: 041 504 4358 and/or e-mail:

Golf Day invitation

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098