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Abigail Crisp, a postgraduate student in Nature Conservation at NMMU (George Campus) is slowly but surely shooting her way to the top.

With competitive scores in four 3Di / ABO archery competitions she qualified to take part in the South African 3Di / ABO National Championships held at Magnum Archery in Pretoria in November. At the Championships archers have to shoot 3D and 2D target animals with points being allocated to ‘hits’ closest to vital areas. There are 20 targets with a maximum total of 220 points.With competitive scores in four 3Di / ABO archery competitions she qualified to take part in the South African 3Di / ABO National Championships held at Magnum Archery in Pretoria in November. At the Championships archers have to shoot 3D and 2D target animals with points being allocated to ‘hits’ closest to vital areas. There are 20 targets with a maximum total of 220 points.

She received a bronze medal at the championships and a final position of fourth – missing her provincial colours by a mere 2 points. The final position is calculated by an archer’s top highest three scores over the year together with the score on the first day of the National Championships.

On day one of the championships, Crisp competed on a flat course with the longest shots estimated at 32 meters where she scored a total of 178 points finishing in the top six women for her class. On the final day she competed on a mountain course – the most challenging course for most, due to tunnel and elevation shots – where she finished with a total of 183 points. The event was attended by more than 350 archers from across the country.

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098