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Change the world


NMMU George’s annual Green Campus Awareness Week was launched on 17 September with a host of innovative displays and events put together by students.   The week culminated with a fun-filled all-day programme on Friday, 21 September.

“The event was a platform for student awareness across faculties and age groups on sustainability as well as a week filled with fun to celebrate our small wins in terms of achieving a truly green campus at NMMU George” says Bianca Currie, Lecturer in the School of Natural Resource Management at Saasveld.

An action-packed programme has been designed to achieve both student support and action around sustainability, while offering an excellent opportunity to Environmental Education and Communication students from the School of Natural Resource Management to put theory into practice and to share this with their peers.

The programme for the week included an expo of existing conservation/sustainability-related programmes and activities on the campus and various fun items that drew attention to particular issues. These included the NMMU George “Energy for All” schools project by BTech students, creative arts theatre and fashion show, featuring outfits made from recyclable materials; a pledge wall for students and visitors to pledge their support to save the environment, and much more. Guided walks on campus departed from the Student Recreation Centre every hour on the half hour (between 08:30 and 15:30) on the Friday.

Clearing of alien invasive plants (Wattles) in and around the campus by all students in the School of Natural Resource Management took place throughout the week.

Members of the public, learners and other interest groups were welcomed to visit the campus, especially on Friday, 21 September which was the culmination of most of the activities, including a live broadcast from the Campus by community radio station, Eden FM (09:00 – 12:00). Students were provided with information on particular issues of importance to them and the sustainable development of the campus.

Pledge Wall

I Pledge to.. Students assisted learners to paint their hands and pledge to convserve the environment.

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098