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Change the world


Dr Keith Arnolds and NMMU George B Ed graduate, Roelof Steyl, will be presenting two papers at the European Congress of Psychology 2015 to be held in Milan, Italy from 07 to 10 July 2015. The studies, supervised by Dr Arnolds and Dr Bridget Johnson, both from the NMMU George Campus, form part of the research methodology module done by 4th year B Ed students at NMMU. The two papers will be the third out of the eight projects completed in 2014 to be presented at conference level.

Steyl will be the co-presenter of the article ‘An investigation into the impact of a father’s absence on an adolescent’s resilience’ while Dr Arnolds will present ‘An investigation into addictive substance use and behaviour amongst adolescents at various schools in the Southern Cape, South Africa’  on behalf of the students. The conference brings together the top researchers in the field of psychology and the fact that two studies conducted in the Southern Cape were accepted proves a major scoop for the region. The conference provides a significant opportunity to highlight to the world issues affecting particularly the youth in the Southern Cape. 

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098