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Change the world


NMMU George Campus students once again remained true to the values of the university when they participated in this year’s Cansa Relay for life at Carpe Diem School in George in support of cancer patients and survivors.

Two teams, consisting of postgraduate students and the student representative council, all proudly wearing their NMMU-branded clothing,  enthusiastically devised a strategy to walk as many laps as possible - throughout the night - in aid of this worthy cause. 


Photo: Malaba Livhuwani, an NMMU George MTech student in Agricultural Management completed a whopping 100 laps in celebration of NMMU’s 10th anniversary, during the recent Cansa Relay held in the town of George.


Photo: PREPARING FOR THE CHALLENGE… NMMU George students showed their caring spirit and demonstrated their resilience and endurance, while participating in the 2015 Cansa Relay with members of the community.

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098