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Change the world


Staff of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, George Campus, will be visiting various centres throughout the southern Cape during July. This initiative is aimed at creating an opportunity for anyone interested in studying at the university in 2013 to gain relevant information required to finalise their choice and to guide them in the application procedure.


Photograph: Education students (BEd FET) shared their passion for their chosen career with learners during the NMMU Open Day at George Campus. Through the upcoming Southern Cape information sessions, NMMU is offering yet another opportunity to learners and other prospective students to liaise with staff in person and gain relevant information about the university and its study offerings at a venue close to where they live.


NMMU Education Students

The undergraduate NMMU “Closing Date” campaign under the theme – Discover your Dreams - also serves as a reminder that applications for admission to undergraduate studies at NMMU in 2013 close on 1 August. Prospective students should not delay the application process until they receive their final matric results.

Grade 11 and 12 learners, parents and educators are invited to attend any of the information sessions where both academics and professional support staff will be present to provide information and answer questions on study opportunities, course content, the application process, sport opportunities, financial assistance, accommodation and other services available to students at NMMU.

The general information sessions start at 18:00 at:

George: 17July – Classroom 0011 (Lecture Theatre), NMMU George, Saasveld

Riversdale: 18 July – Langenhoven High School Club House

Oudtshoorn: 19 July – South Cape College

Knysna: 23 July – Knysna Public Library

Mossel Bay: 25 July – Point High School Club House

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098