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The University welcomes Dr Kaluke Mawila as the new George Campus Principal. 

Dr Mawila’s substantive policy, research, development, stakeholder engagement and planning experience at a strategic level, coupled with her many credible qualifications, will serve the growing George Campus well as she begins her tenure on the eve of a national lockdown in the wake of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

“I wish to pose a challenge, a challenge of self-leadership … in taking the campus to new heights,” Dr Mawila urged staff at a recent welcoming function.

Appointed from 11 March 2020, Dr Mawila was most recently the Executive Director of Planning and Development in the Strategy Planning and Partnerships Division of the National Research Foundation (NRF), responsible for guiding decision-making around policies, funding and development especially of early career academics, among other expectations. She held previous portfolios within the NRF, including that of Executive Director of the newly-named Strategy, Planning and Partnerships division, and as the Acting Executive Director of Applied Research Innovation and Collaboration. 

In addition to her excellent employment track record, which also includes time spent working in The Presidency as a policy analyst, and as a senior researcher at the Centre for Education Policy Development, Dr Mawila has an equally impressive CV in terms of academic qualifications and awards.

She obtained both her masters and a doctorate in Higher Education from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in the US, where she was a Fulbright Fellow and also received the Nelson Mandela Fund Fellowship.

Among her numerous awards are the Oppenheimer Trust Fund Fellowship, the NRF Prestigious and Equity Scholarship Abroad, the British Awards Scheme Bursary from the British Council, the Moody Fellowship and the Centre for Education of Women Fellowship from Michigan University.

Raised in Limpopo where she attended an agricultural high school, Dr Mawila completed her undergraduate qualification in Sociology and Industrial Psychology at the University of Cape Town. She also has a management development qualification from Stellenbosch University.

Ever committed and ever positive, Dr Mawila has high hopes for her new role in strategically leading the southern Cape campus, to greater heights as a sought-after study destination in niche areas relating to sustainability.

The University acknowledges the key role of Mr David Alexander who loyally served in the acting role of Campus Principal for more than two years, and wishes Dr Mawila all the best for the journey ahead. 

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