Change the world


Academics from various faculties and professional staff at Mandela University, George Campus, joined the Campus Principal in welcoming the new “Madibaz” and their parents to the George Campus as part of the university’s annual Welcome event for new 1st year students and their parents/guardians hosted on 2 February.

Acting Campus Principal, Mr David Alexander, welcomes a new first year student and his parents to the George Campus while one of the How2Buddies looks on.

How2Buddies, senior students of Nelson Mandela University who undergo a formal training programme as peer helpers, played a hospitality role on the day and assisted in various ways to ensure that the approximate 700 attendees felt at home.

As is customary, representatives of the business and education sectors, as well as local government shared this annual milestone with the university.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof Sibongile Muthwa’s address was relayed live to all campuses of the university, including George Campus.  The proceedings at George Campus, including interviews with heads of departments and academics, was also broadcast live through Eden FM.

During the local (George) part of the programme, the Campus Principal (Act), Mr David Alexander, focused on the desired graduate attributes of Mandela students, encouraging them to embrace the value system of this university so that they can play their role in “Changing the world for the better”.  “You have already chosen Nelson Mandela University (George Campus) and we are ready to guide you – make the best of every opportunity” he said.  He pointed out that more than 15 000 applications had been received from prospective students.  Out of this number about 1 000 first-year applications were accepted for George Campus, and the campus expects to register about 500 new first year students by the end of the registration period. 

Students and parents also had an opportunity to meet their specific faculty heads (Science; Business and Economic Sciences; and Engineering, the Built Environment and Information Technology) and lecturers during the breakaway sessions which commenced in different venues on campus after the initial welcome ceremony. 

Classes for all Mandela students commence on 11 February.

For photos of the event, see our Facebook page

Contact information
Ms Alet van Tonder
Manager: Marketing & Corporate Relations
Tel: 27 44 801 5098