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For the second consecutive year NMMU George is the winners of the Bowl Trophy at the annual USSA Rugby Sevens tournament that took place earlier this week at their home ground at Saasveld.

The local side met up with North West University’s Vaal Campus in a repeat of last year’s final; this year beating them with 17 points to 10 after the score was tied at 10 all at halftime.

For NMMU George Phaezzle August, Kutelani Tshivhase and Luther Esau dotted down with Nico Nel adding the conversion; while Wouter van den Berg and Steven Brune scored for NWU Vaal.

NMMU George qualified for the final by beating the University of Cape Town (Ikeys) 19 – 10 in the semi-final of the Bowl competition; while NWU Vaal won their semi-final 17 – 7 against Mangosuthu University of Technology.

NMMU George rugby sevens

Photograph by Kelvin Saunders: The victorious NMMU George sevens rugby team with the Bowl Trophy at the 2012 USSA Rugby Sevens tournament is:

Back (from left to right): Nico Nel, Henry Grimes (Team Manager) , Hugo Loubser (George Campus Sport Manager), Jandré Blom (Coach), JJ du Toit, Francois Kemp (Captain) , Etienne Janse van Rensburg, Wikus Louwrens, Phaezzle August and Wynand Fourie.

Front (from left to right): Luther Esau, Andisa Ntsila, Jaco Steenkamp, Creswin Josephs and Kutelani Tshivhase.

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Mr Pieter Botha
Marketing Practitioner
Tel: 27 41 504 3300