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Change the world


On Thursday, 19 April 2012 NMMU George campus library received a generous donation of 49 school textbooks from Via Afrika. These books are intended for use by the BEd students within the Faculty of Education.

The books were received by Professor Patrick Bean, who is also the co-author of some of these books. There are many of the school subjects, with both a student and teacher copy for the same subject. The textbooks are for learners in grade 10, in both English and Afrikaans, together with some African languages. These books also come with CD’s on the back cover for the students to use. The layout proves to be very inviting and challenging, with many pictures, diagrams and items of interest.

“They are an excellent resource and we are very grateful to Via Afrika for their generous donation”, said Suz Phillips, the Education administrator. “The books are already in high demand by the students”, she further added.

NMMU George students are always encouraged to expand their knowledge through various media, and these books are only one source for this endless possibility of acquiring knowledge.

NMMU Education students


Photograph: NMMU Education students, Kevin Fuchs and Llewellyn van Greunen are joined by Branch Librarian Bertina Odendaal as they receive the books donated by Via Afrika.

Contact information
Miss Alicia Maclean
MCR Intern
Tel: 044-801 5081